There’s no way round it – how you feel comes across on the phone, so it’s important you consider how you sound.
There are multiple methods of communication available to customers now so when a customer decides/chooses the phone, a physical conversation, this is a choice that should be acknowledged and respected.
Remember, the customer cannot see you but they will build a mental picture of you and your level of interest based on how you sound and what you say. You must take a level of responsibility for the image they build whilst on the phone.
Here are some simple hints and tips for improving how you sound and ensuring you are projecting a positive, interested and engaged persona on the phone:
- Keep your tone positive and friendly. This doesn’t mean be unrealistically happy and bubbly, but be upbeat and engaged.
- Be as animated in your voice as you would be if you were talking with them in person.
- Take extra care with your pace. Speak slowly and clearly, with a composed and professional approach. If you are nervous, be aware that you will be speaking faster and slow down even further.
- Keep the volume of your voice moderate – not too loud but similarly, not to quiet. Speaking too loudly can feel aggressive and overbearing. Speaking to quietly can imply timidity and a lack of conviction.
- Don’t slouch in your seat or try and talk with the headset balanced on your shoulder! Your body language transmits itself down the phone. If you are slouched, you will sound slouched!
- Be aware that it’s not just your voice that can be heard – typing can be heard! If you are using the screen whilst on the phone explain why – ‘I’m just finding you on the system Mr Smith’.